Sheffield: 10 Months

10 month



Dear Sheffield,

A lot happened in the past month, and I mean a lot.  You decided you were so ready to be grown up that you just up and started walking.  You took your first step about two weeks before you hit the ten month mark – and we couldn’t believe it!  You were so proud of yourself, and we were so proud for you.  Your mama definitely shed a few tears.

You also decided that you were going to eat some table food!  You’re officially on the menu at daycare, and you get to try out new foods every day!  We love seeing which foods you hate, and which ones you like.  You love bread, strawberry yogurt and pear halves.  You also love mashed potatoes and pancakes.  We’ve started you on your sippy cup, and while you seem to grasp the concept, you still love your bottle.

You’ve officially transitioned into the big boy tub – you love splashing around in the tub with your toys and your bath time Elmo.  You get so sad when it’s time to get out of the tub!  And you now hate being anywhere near the changing table — being changed, getting new clothes on are not your most favorite thing.  You squirm around everywhere!!  BUT you finally let me read you stories after your bath — you have not sat still long enough to do it before now.

You love exploring everything!  You will get in every single tight space imaginable, but you will find your way out.  You love playing with water bottles, and every thing else that isn’t a baby toy.

You’ve still got your two bottom teeth with no signs of anymore coming.  Where are those teethies?!

I got to spend my very first Mother’s Day with you, and I can’t wait to have more.  Sweet pea, I love being your mama (even more so now that you can say mama!!) – you make every day so much better.  You’re just the coolest ever, and every moment we get to spend with you is the best.


Yo mama

4 thoughts on “Sheffield: 10 Months”

  1. Ummmm who doesn’t love mashed potatoes??? Yum!!!!! I still cant believe he is walking. Someone sure has had a big month!!!! I guess we aren’t afraid of the tub anymore, huh?


  2. He’s grown so much this past month. I can’t believe he’s walking!!! So advanced! I’m sure he keeps you very busy. How does he do with the table foods like bread with his two teeth? Wyatt shows major interest, but I have no idea if he’s really “ready” for it yet. Thoughts? Share a insta vidoe of him saying “mama’ please!!


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